What the Candidates Are Saying…

While we are well over a year away from the 2012 General Elections in the U.S., we are already inundated with selected news bites and media-caused controversies, while reporting on presidential contenders, including their extended families, their personal finances and human foibles. More than being fascinated with tabloid-like tidbits, we need to focus on the candidates from our biblical worldview.

Rather than “social issues”—like abortion, gay marriage, “don’t ask, don’t tell”—being something to keep to yourself and not talk about in public, Dr. Michael Youssef suggests that “every issue is a moral issue” or has a moral component. He illustrates by saying, “When voters consider a candidate for public office, they should not just ask, ‘Can this person manage the economy?’ They need to know ‘Does this person have the values and character to hold public office?’”

Finding out what the various candidates for the Oval Office believe and say about the “social issues” of our day may help us determine what they will ultimately do about them, if selected to that high office in our land. One News Now has prepared a helpful review of information, gleaned, in some cases, from a candidate’s website (if it exists), but primarily from selected news reports. The online feature focuses on seven issues they feel are of critical importance to their readers: (1) abortion, (2) the economy, (3) same-sex “marriage,” (4) homosexuals in the military, (5) national security, (6) Israel, and (7) illegal immigration.

What the 2012 Candidates Are Saying will be updated as the election cycle continues and will help you discern those candidates who most closely share your biblical worldview.

About His Way with Gary Curtis

Gary Curtis served for 27 years, as part of the pastoral staff of The Church on The Way, the Van Nuys, California Foursquare Church. He directed Pastor Jack Hayford's radio and television outreach and, later, the church’s not-for-profit media outreach. Now retired, Gary continues to write a weekly blog at worshipontheway.wordpress.com and frequent articles for digital and print platforms. Gary and his wife live in southern California and have two married daughters and five grandchildren.
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