Too Sexy, Too Soon!

It is hard to believe, but we now have parents taking children to risqué “pride parades,” ”drag queens” flamboyantly exposing themselves to children in public libraries and bars, as well as public schools introducing pedophilic literature in a national effort to prematurely sexualize our children. Witness the suggestive content and sexualized products from Disney, Netflix, Tik Tok, and even Mattel Toys, with their new “Pregnant Ken” doll.[CORRECTION on 8.16.22: this was found to be from a satirical article from the Babylon Bee. Sorry!]

Slate magazine recently claimed it’s a “good thing” to expose children to drag shows. They argued that minors are “mature enough” to handle “sexual innuendo.” Maybe they should start with their own children? But why would we wish such child abuse on anyone?

Exposing our grade school kids to these sexual issues and “gender-bending” ideology in kindergarten, grade school curricula, and children’s entertainment is robbing them of their innocence and grooming them for an adult lifestyle, for which they are not prepared.

Horrified parents have responded to such perverse practices by calling out school boards, reckless companies, and irresponsible adults. Some are publicly opposing the more aggressive ones as sexual “coaches,” “groomers,” or even “predators.” 

They don’t like that! Social media platforms censor these terms as “hate speech.” But, these are our children and grandchildren! They are becoming too sexy, too soon!

One day Jesus said to his disciples, “There will always be temptations to sin, but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting! It would be better to be thrown into the sea with a millstone hung around your neck than to cause one of these little ones to fall into sin. (Luke 17:1-2; NLT)

Follow the Science

“The science” regarding human biology is incontrovertible. All the trillions of cells in an adult human being are permanently encoded as either male or female (XY or XX)  chromosomes. Changing clothes, hairstyles or pronouns don’t transform a biological man into a woman. Likewise, removing or manipulating body parts or receiving chemical injections will not make a woman a man.

David Kupelian, a widely read author and columnist, has explained the current, cultural craziness: “During the Biden era of rapidly metastasizing madness to every area of life, what once was a realm wherein a relatively few troubled adults made sad and often catastrophically irreversible personal choices to medically ‘transition’ to a different gender, has morphed into a depraved and shockingly widespread campaign to indoctrinate, seduce, groom and flat-out recruit America’s children into ‘identifying’ as a different gender.”

“Incredibly,” Kupelian elaborated, “countless LGBT activists, including many public school teachers, have taken to proselytizing this new transgender salvation to America”s children, resulting in an untold number of school kids being led into lives of not just unending conflict, confusion and suffering, but far too often, as multiple studies prove, suicide.”

One online commenter named Gabby recently responded to today’s transgender craze: “It’s wrong, just wrong. Kids can’t drink, drive or smoke but they are capable of making life-changing decisions at a young age. Crazy”!

Eleven different studies have sadly projected that 80% of the minor children who have been groomed to identify as transgendered would have naturally outgrown their deceptive, sexual dysphoria by the time they reached young adulthood. Instead, many have been led to permanently mutilate their private parts and commit to receiving sex hormones, in order to pretend to be the opposite gender.

Their delusion requires them to demand that society must support and “affirm” them. Now our bi-partisan elected officials are blindly voting to pay for these “top” and “bottom” sex surgeries, unending hormonal treatments, and affirming counselors, with our ever-depreciating tax dollars.

The Bible Says

In the Old Testament, God specifically prohibited this kind of sexual mutilation of male body parts, whether by accident or intention: “No one who is emasculated or has his male organ cut off may enter the assembly of the Lord” (Deuteronomy 23:1; MEV). 

Sorry to be so blunt but our sexual organs are for procreation and the pleasure of a married man and woman. God sees these purposes as sacred. We are instructed to “escape from sexual immorality” and “glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s” (1 Corinthians 6:18-20; 7:2-5).

Jesus affirmed the Divine design as only two genders, when He asked, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning made them male and female?” (Matthew 19:4; Genesis 1:27; 5:2). Human sexuality is fixed and not “fluid.” We are each unique and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:13-18).

We are not only Divinely designed but can also enjoy a Divine destiny. He told the Jews in Babylonian captivity: “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11; NLT). The same could be said of those in sexual bondage and spiritual captivity today!

The Apostle Paul taught the Romans how, in ages before them, mankind “suppressed the truth through unrighteousness.” Though “claiming to be wise, they became fools” and did “vile and degrading things with each other’s bodies.” God abandoned them to their “dishonorable passions” and “debased minds,” as they indulged in same-sex practices and endured the physical consequences of sexually transmitted diseases, which Paul called “the penalty they deserved.” (Read Romans 1:18-31).

“They know God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too” (Romans 1:32; NLT).

Paul also taught the Thessalonians believers: “God’s will is for you to be holy, so stay away from all sexual sin. Then each of you will control his own body and live in holiness and honor— not in lustful passion like the pagans who do not know God and his ways.” (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5: NLT)

Spiritual Hedges

We are warned that the devil goes about like a lion, seeking to distract, deceive and devour believers. We must be careful and discerning. 

I believe we must… 

…consciously build spiritual hedges around ourselves and our families. We must protect our eyes and ears from anything vile or vulgar. We need to constantly ask ourselves if this or that is “appropriate” for a “child of the light” to focus on or even think about. If not, do some “spiritual house cleaning” and resist it, reject it, and remove it!

Some things may be permissible under our spiritual liberties in Christ, but not all things are “helpful” or “good for us.” We don’t want to give the enemy a “foothold” or “territory” from which to establish a stronghold in our lives or families (Eph. 4:27).

Are there questionable things or people in your life that seem to have a strong attachment or attraction to you? Are you flirting with some area of life or practice that you don’t have a positive witness about in your spirit? If so, God’s word and Spirit would call you to stop, turn the other way, and resist the “evil one.” 

Do not allow yourself to be conformed to this world (Rom. 12:2). Rather, resist and renounce the distraction and release “songs [or shouts] of deliverance” (Ps. 32:7) from your inner spirit! Saturate yourself and home with praise and worship!

In so doing, you can be confident that “He who has begun a good work in you will carry it on until the day of Christ Jesus” (Phil. 1:6; NIV).


About His Way with Gary Curtis

Gary Curtis served for 27 years, as part of the pastoral staff of The Church on The Way, the Van Nuys, California Foursquare Church. He directed Pastor Jack Hayford's radio and television outreach and, later, the church’s not-for-profit media outreach. Now retired, Gary continues to write a weekly blog at and frequent articles for digital and print platforms. Gary and his wife live in southern California and have two married daughters and five grandchildren.
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